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Filtering vector data

Filter tab

Sometimes you may want to hide some features by using indicators.

For example, only show where HDI is less than X value. In such case, filtering feature in GeoHub might be useful for you to visualize only focused features.

Add new filter rule

To use filtering, firstly please move to FILTER tab, then click NEW RULE button.

Adding new filter rule
Figure 1: Adding new filter rule

Select a property

Then, select a property you wish to filter by certain values.

Selecting a property to apply this rule of filtering
Figure 2: Selecting a property to apply this rule of filtering

Choose an operator

After selecting a property, you need to choose what operator is used for filtering.

Select an operator that is used for this rule
Figure 3: Select an operator that is used for this rule

Choose a threshold to filter

After selecting a property and an operator, you need to select a value for filtering.

The user interface can vary according to the data type of selected property.


The below diagram is an example when you select a numeric field with Larger / Smaller operator. After selecting a value, click APPLY button. Your filtering rule will be applied to the map layer immediately.

Apply value for this rule to filter
Figure 4: Apply value for this rule to filter

Result after applying a filter

An example after filtering where HDI is more than a threshold
Figure 5: An example after filtering where HDI is more than a threshold

Continue adding or removing filter

You can continue adding another rule if you wish

Viewing and managing existing filtering rules
Figure 6: Viewing and managing existing filtering rules


When you add more than one rules to the layer, the toggle button on the top of FILTER tab might be important. As default, All conditions must be true (AND filter) is selected. You might need to change to One condition must be true (OR filter) to achieve your desired result.

Next step

In the next step, you will learn how to add additional information as labels to vector dataset.