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Vector visualization overview

In addition to the common key components which we explored in the last section, we are going to explore how to visualize a vector data layer depending on the layer type in detail.

Types of vector data

  • Polygon
  • Line
  • Point

Polygon layers

Represents enclosed planar features

  • Land parcels
  • Lakes
  • Administrative boundaries


Polygon layers can be visualized as


  • Polygon

Visualization of a polygon
Figure 1: Visualization of a polygon


  • 3D Polygon

3D Polygon visualization of a Polygon layer
Figure 2: 3D Polygon visualization of a Polygon layer


  • Line

Visualization of a polygon layer as a line
Figure 3: Visualization of a polygon layer as a line

Line Layers

Represents linear features on maps.

  • Roads
  • Rivers

Lines representation
Figure 4: Lines representation

Point layers

Used to represent discrete locations or individual features.

  • Fire hydrants
  • Bus stops



Point visualization
Figure 5: Point visualization



Heatmap visualization
Figure 6: Heatmap visualization



Circle visualization
Figure 7: Circle visualization


Before adding a dataset to map, you can select a layer type as shown in the below figure. You can add a data by clicking add layer button inside an accordion.

Selecting a vector layer type before adding to map at Data tab of Map editor page
Figure 8: Selecting a vector layer type before adding to map at Data tab of Map editor page

Style tab for each layer type

Style tab can provide you various properties to customize visualizing a data layer. So far, the following layer types are available for vector data in GeoHub.

Filter tab for filtering data

GeoHub offers a feature to filter vector data layer. The steps of filtering is described here.

Label tab for adding information

Additional attribute information can also be added for a vector layer in GeoHub. The steps of adding labels is described here.

Next step

Let's start from polygon visualization at next section.